The Pilgrim School

Our Vision and 'Being Pilgrim'


The concept of pilgrimage has been at the heart of our school since it opened in 2005. In 2018 we renewed our vision, deepening our understanding of who we are and reflecting on our pilgrimage to date. The development of this vision and our associated values was firmly rooted in our reflection on the passage in Matthew 16:13 -20 where Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do you say I am?”. This passage has been explored throughout our school community. We have been challenged to consider the importance of our identity by asking, “Who are we? Who do people say we are?”. We have responded by exploring how we live as Pilgrims with Jesus as our role model.

 We continue to consider 'who we are' every day and 'how we choose to live'. 

'Being Pilgrim' is fundamental to our daily choices, whether in school or out.  

Our methods of considering what this means to us has evolved over several years - developing from 6 values.... to our current stage of a wide range of Pilgrim attributes.  We reflect on a new attribute each week - led by the Year 6 Attribute Team - and think how this is shown in ourselves, within our school community and in the wider world.  We review how successful we feel at applying our attributes and celebrate the progress and effort shown in improving our character in this way.  We are very proud of the language we are able to use together and the depth of understanding shown in what these attributes mean and the impact they have.

This year, we were thrilled to be awarded with the Association of Character Education Quality Mark Plus.

We are so pleased that the report recognises 'Being Pilgrim' is essential knowledge to us and that stays with us for a lifetime: 'Forever Pilgrim'.