The Pilgrim School

Speaking and Listening




We are writers, we are readers,

     we are speakers and listeners      

.we are Pilgrim!


At Pilgrim we always like to do something a little different for World Book Day - and this year was no exception!
We focused on oracy and tried our hand at some literature that we might not be so familiar with.
Each class (along with some parents, staff and willing volunteers) performed poetry in our Pilgrim and Riverside Poetry Corner.  There were surprise poems from parents and unexpected guests - there were parents, volunteers and children who had even written their own poems!
To close the events, we had audience participation story-telling with Mamma Sesame - just the best!
Mrs Seale - our West End superstar - worked with each class beforehand on their performance technique and shared some top tips for confidence building.  We faced our nerves and rose to the challenge because we cared about each other and wanted to celebrate together.
This was not a show.  We had not rehearsed.  We did not even use microphones.
But it was something very special....almost unforgettable which we were incredibly proud.

 Performance Poetry by The Pilgrim Pupils

 'New Day' by Acorns



'Dinosaur Roar' by Oak Trees




'Buried Treasure' by Year 1 



 'Lizard' by Year 1 



'All Change' by Year 2



'Pizza' by Year 2



 'Capital Letters and Full Stops' by Year 3



'Making Mistakes' by Year 3



'Teatime Rap' by Year 3



 'Recipe For Cheetah' written and performed by Year 4


'Recipe For a Snake' written and performed by Year 4

'Recipe For a Tiger' written and performed by Year 4

 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Year 5



'The Highway Man' by Year 6



'Reading Cafe' by Year 6 (written by Mrs Larney)



 'The Hamster' by Year 6



'Childhood Memories' by Year 6



'The Lion and Albert' by Mrs Seale

 Performance Poetry by our special guests and parents

'The Lion and Albert' by Mrs Seale

'Sick' by the Pilgrim Staff

Poems written and performed by Mrs Newnham and Matthew


Storytelling to FS and KS1 by Stephney Bent



Storytelling to KS2 by Stephney Bent



'Dinosaurs' by Matthew



Pilgrim Parents Poetry



Pilgrim Parents Poetry


 Pilgrim Parents Poetry

















Speaking and Listening at Pilgrim

The techniques of active speaking and listening are something we work hard on at Pilgrim. 

We create as many real-life and purposeful opportunities as we can. 

Constructive advice and peer suggestions form a crucial part of the process, as we scaffold and support, to enable all children to succeed in speaking aloud. 

As in writing, where we teach the writer to be mindful of their audience; the same is true in oracy. 

Children are taught methods and strategies, language and atmosphere appropriate for the message, task and audience. 

Every day, Pilgrim children are actively encouraged to greet adults and children alike,

to initiate conversation, to enquire after each other's well-being, to respond with compassion and respect. 

Within our reading, we teach prosody and within our speaking we apply the same thought - how we speak can alter the effect of the words we say.

The ability and confidence to ask questions provides the opportunity to extend learning - those skills in the right learning environment aid progress in many areas.

  • Thinking like a Roman
  • Reading as a Dickensian maid
  • Broadcasting the weather



Active and purposeful listening is fundamental too. 

Following instructions, gathering information, being absorbed in description, establishing detail are every day processes. 

Applying knowledge from other parts of the Pilgrim day secures understanding throughout the curriculum eg. knowledge from engaged listening in worship will add substantial depth to classroom learning in many subject areas. 

Listening helps to develop the relationships we value so highly at Pilgrim.

Teachers are skilled and creative in modelling and developing these attributes:

from the low-key informal moments shared together to the larger, planned and performed pieces

- all are important features of the Pilgrim day and all are applicable to life as our children move forward beyond Pilgrim.


Whole school performances, end of year productions, courtroom dramas, subject debates, school council surveys, reading a prayer, performing a poem, forecasting the weather, discussing British values and current affairs, chatting in the Sanctuary.....                          

Pilgrim's Story Tent ready for action! 

One of our favourite aspects of Speaking and Listening is PSN (Pilgrim School News). 

A top team of roving reporters update our school on important current affairs and Pilgrim News - their interviews and broadcasts never fail to inform and entertain.