The Pilgrim School

MCAS (My Child At School App)

Click on the document below and follow the instructions on how to download and activate your account on My Child At School app.

mcas parent summary pilgrim .pdf


mcas full parent guide.pdf





Trip Consent Information for Parents 

At The Pilgrim School you will pay for trips and clubs using ‘My Child At School’ known as MCAS.  There is a brief consent section that you will need to tap ‘OK’ to before you can purchase for all trips and some clubs.  You give consent for the trip, for emergency medical treatment and on occasions for photos to be taken. 

This consent is concise and below is the full consent you are giving when you check out on MCAS.

You give consent for your child to take part in the trip and where applicable you give permission for your child to travel by Pilgrim Multi Academy Trust minibuses or private coach hire.  You also give consent to any emergency medical treatment that may become necessary. The teacher(s) in charge will do everything possible to get in touch with you in the event of illness or accident, but circumstances may dictate that they have to use their own judgement about emergency medical treatment. 

On occasions you will also give consent for your child to be photographed by local Media at events such as the Mini Youth Games or for photos to be taken at Trust events such as Trust Football Tournaments. 

If you have any questions or concerns please chat with us in the office.