The Pilgrim School

Physical Education

I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)

This is the precept upon which our Pilgrim School is founded. We are committed to enabling each member of our community to flourish.

 Following the role model of Christ, we constantly strive to be His pilgrims:

  forever compassionate, caring and inclusive,

forever trustworthy,

forever aspiring and adventurous,

forever respectful,

forever thankful,

forever us

… forever Pilgrim.

Our Pilgrim vision is the driving force behind everything we do as we explore together the two fundamental questions of,

’Who are we?’ and ‘How do we live?’


Our Intent

Our Physical Education curriculum at Pilgrim aims to equip children with the tools and skills they need to develop their physical health and well-being. We develop children’s interests and curiosity through a broad and balanced curriculum which covers a variety of sports to engage all, taking in account individual differences. We implement the National Curriculum through both knowledge and skill-based activities and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Children are given the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities in teams, pairs and against themselves; promoting self-esteem, character building and the resilience that comes with both success and failure.  

Our Pilgrim vision supports us in exploring the questions, ‘Who are we?’ and ‘How do we live?’. The Pilgrim PE curriculum enables us to develop a sense of identity and place, reflecting on our school community and our place within it as Pilgrims. We provide children with opportunities to compete in sport which builds character and helps embed our Christian values along with fundamental British values such as tolerance and respect.   



Our Physical Education curriculum builds on the fundamental movement skills of: 

  • Running 
  • Jumping 
  • Coordination 
  • Balance 
  • Agility 
  • Throwing 
  • Catching  

Children are given opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge to different sports within the categories of: 

  • Net and wall games
  • Striking and fielding games
  • Invasion games
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Swimming (UKS2)

By exposing children to primary rules, fundamental skills and tactical problems associated with each category of sport they become literate in a variety of games and activities and develop an understanding and competency of different skills and tactics. 



The Pilgrim Progress for Physical Education forms the backbone of our assessment, ensuring appropriate coverage and expectation whilst providing personalised learning for individuals. Our Pilgrim Progress spreadsheets are used throughout our lessons by teachers, teaching assistants and sports coaches as a form of recorded assessment, where we review, teach and practice skills and knowledge against our intent statements. 

Other ways we measure the impact of our Physical Education curriculum: 

  • Monitoring of teaching through lesson observations. 
  • PE subject lead attends meetings with other local schools to share practice. 
  • PE Scrapbook monitoring 
  • Pupil voice interviews.   




What does Physical Education look like at Pilgrim?


pe coverage 23 24.pdf




Pilgrim Progress & Physical Education Policy

We have chosen to create the ‘Pilgrim Progress’: a bespoke series of documents which forms the backbone of our own curriculum, ensuring appropriate subject coverage and expectation, whilst allowing for personalisation particular to our Pilgrim children. These essential documents are used by children and staff during PE lessons.


Pilgrim Progress PE EYFS

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 1

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 2

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 3

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 4

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 5

Pilgrim Progress PE Year 6

Pilgrim PE Policy 


 Sport of the Week

Our sport of the week initiative provides all children at Pilgrim with the opportunity to “find their sport”. A different sport is chosen each week, often inline with sporting events such as the World Cup, The Ashes and Wimbledon. This year, we have seen a dramatic increase in the numbers of children who are physically active at break and lunchtimes due to the sport of the week. This year we have provided children in all years with the opportunity to play table tennis, basketball, skipping, badminton, athletics, tennis, cricket, rugby, hockey, netball and football. Take a look at some of our children's thoughts on our sport of the week initiative below.



Reading in PE  

 At Pilgrim, we have a different PE book each term. Our PE team, made up of Year 6 children, read our book of the term aloud to each class, each term. Take a look at some of our PE books below. We enjoy reading them and being inspired by the athletes character!







Inspirational athletes:


 Attributes within Physical Education

Our Pilgrim Physical Education curriculum places a large focus on attributes, the building blocks of character. Within our PE lessons, we teach and model a variety of attributes including:

  • Sportsmanship
  • Compassion
  • Teamwork
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance 
  • Determination

Take a look at a snap shot of one of our attribute of the week boards for sportsmanship. Every child at Pilgrim has the opportunity to share their thoughts on the attribute of the week, what it means and how they show it. 


Swimming at Pilgrim

At Pilgrim, we follow the 'Swim England Learn to Swim' planning programme. Being situated close to the River Medway, swimming is an important part of our Physical education curriculum. We aim to equip children with the skills they need to be able to swim 25m using a variety of strokes as well as to be able to perform safe self-rescue. 

Pilgrim Sports News!

Click on the link below to see some of Team Pilgrim’s latest sporting achievements, as well as different sporting opportunities we have taken part in this year!

Sporting News Blog